Young Leaders
This past Sunday, we took another trip to the movies as we discussed films made for children. One of my favorite movies involves a little clown fish by the name of Nemo as he fights to return to his fishy father and show everyone that little ones can do great big things. Through the actions of one little fish, a whole catch is able to escape the nets of commercial fisherman.
The scriptures also tell us the importance of young people in the Kingdom of God. Matthew 19:16-17 says this, “One day some parents brought their children to Jesus so he could lay his hands on them and pray for them. But the disciples scolded the parents for bothering him. But Jesus said, “Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.” Jesus values the children and requires that we do the same.
In the book of 2 Chronicles, King Josiah took the throne of Israel at the age of 8 years and by his 16th birthday was purging the nation of idolatry and immorality. God did great things through this little person.
In September, we will once again begin our Wednesday evening children’s programs. We need to invest in our youth by continuing to see them as vital members of the Kingdom of God. We invite the youth of our community to get involved in their Churches as they seek the Lord in whatever direction they have been called and are available to them in Church leadership because little people can do great things too!
Be blessed and be grateful.
Pastor Chris Hayden