The Ultimate Creator

C. Hayden
Don’t you love when people, devoid of a relationship with God, try to wrap their brain around how the
universe began, often within the context of there not being a God at the very heart of the process. You
know how it goes. ”Well…there was this big bang that took place and life just happened.” First off, most
big bangs I have seen cause utter destruction, killing everything in its wake. It never results in the
creation of ordered life. Putting that aside, I don’t have a problem with the “Big Bang” as long as we
realize that the big bang is recognized as an event caused by some thing or SOMEONE. The very first
chapter of the Book tells us that God spoke into the dark void of nothingness and there was light! Thus,
the Big Bang! God’s Word has more than enough power to produce a very, very large, universe creating
explosion! As Julie Andrews put so preciously as she played
Maria in the Sound of Music, singing with her new-found love,
“Nothing comes from nothing, nothing ever could.”
The Bible tells us that it was Jesus who caused that big
bang. Yes, before Jesus was the baby in a manger, He started
this whole blue planet a rotating with light shining upon it
from every direction. Colossians 1:16-17 says, ” For by Him
all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones
or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him. And He is
before all things, and in Him all things consist.” Yes, the Scriptures are speaking of Jesus. His foretold
coming to this earth was prophesied in the book of Genesis, throughout the Old Testament in many
places, and fulfilled with His advent and life biography illustrated in the New Testament. Christmas is
the imprint of the personhood of God coming to show His love for all of personkind! Jesus is the
Ultimate Creator!
This Christmas, as we gather with loved ones, exchanging presents along with good cheer, may
we take time to recognize and worship our Lord Jesus who started it all. He is not only the “Reason for
the Season,” He is the reason for our existence! He not only gave us this wonderful holiday to celebrate,
He gave us life eternal with Him in His Kingdom, the most precious of all gifts. Now that is really
something worthy of celebrating! As Santa Claus, St. Nicholas, is credited with saying, Merry Christmas
to all, and to all a good night!
Be blessed even more!!
Pastor Chris

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Isaiah 9:6

J. Fields
I absolutely love this time of the year. Christmas has always been my favorite holiday of
the year but the bad thing is we spend all year awaiting this season and before we can blink an
eye it’s over. I love the traditions that we are making as a family, the joy and excitement that my
kids represent make the season even brighter. As a family, we love driving around town looking
at Christmas lights especially at Sunken-Gardens and the tree at Rotary Park. We enjoy
watching Christmas movies, making holiday treats, visiting Santa, and the list goes on and on.
My kids are literally Christmas fanatics!
It is easy to get wrapped up in all the holiday hustle and bustle. The malls are crazy busy,
the mail is running overtime to deliver cards, and the delivery companies are driving like they’re
being chased down by crazy parents looking for the hottest toy for their kids. The holiday
couldn’t be complete without a lot of stress filling up our minds, after all the shopping
countdown is everywhere you look. My daughter and I went Black-Friday shopping this year, it
was her first real experience at seeing a bunch of adults running around like they’ve been
guzzling energy drinks non-stop for a week straight, yes adults honestly act completely bonkers
on this crazy shopping day!
The point of this letter is to encourage you to slow down and take a moment to just
breathe. The holidays are not established so that you are stressed to the max. The biggest issue
we face with Christmas in todays culture is it has become so commercialized, the beauty and
reason for this season have been overtaken by worldly standards. Now before you tell me that
I’m acting old fashion let me explain a few things. I love partaking in Black Friday shopping, I
love going and seeing Christmas lights or even seeing Santa but that does not mean I don’t stop
and reflect on the true meaning.
My prayer is that you and your family will take the time to just reflect on this beautiful
holiday season. Over two thousand years ago we were all given the most precious gift
imaginable, a baby who was prophesied years’ prior that would come and save the world from
all sins. Can you imagine how incredible it must have been to see Jesus Christ wrapped up
laying in a manger? We celebrate the birth of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, the One who
was sent from God Almighty to save all of humanity. Go, enjoy this season, have fun with
friends and family but remember that the season is about thanking God for the gift that no money
in this world could ever buy. Allow the world to see true Christmas Spirit shining through you.
For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his
shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting
Father, The Prince of Peace.
Isaiah 9:6
Merry Christmas,
Pastor Jason

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His Ultimate Creation

C. Hayden
All of God’s creation is an absolute wonder to behold. Just think of the beauty of the changing leaves we see as we traverse a country road. Or the majesty found overlooking an endless sand-lined ocean view. Or stop by the Indianapolis Zoo’s butterfly arboretum sometime. Take a look at the overwhelming beauty of the Monarchs or the Blue Morpho butterfly among countless others. God is truly the greatest of all artists. Yet in God’s economy, He loves and cherishes one creation above all the others. Though the earth houses an innumerable collection of marvelous treasures, mankind is the one who holds the heart of our Father God the very most. For it is you and me that He came to this planet to redeem. 
In Psalms 139, Kind David weaves striking poetry in the 13th and 14th verse. “For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Marvelous are you works; my soul knows it very well.” David ponders his own beginnings in God’s world of wonder. Within those musings, David recognizes the premium that is put on the conception of each and every soul. We are “fearfully and wonderfully” made. That word fearfully is derived from the Hebrew word “Yare” which means AWE! In other words, when we see mankind in the process of a baby’s conception, the response God should receive from those in attendance should be nothing less than AWE! How we demean and defame God when we say a preborn baby is nothing but a collection of cells! God help us!
When we see a baby in the womb of his or her mother (yes, I was gender specific and used the term “mother”), we should respond in no less than absolute awe of our wonderful, mighty to behold Creator! That is who God is, and that is what God thinks of us. Yes, our God is the Master, and we are His masterpiece! We are priceless to Him! To redeem our Lord’s highest order of creation, us, it would be extremely costly. The ultimate creation’s price for our Lord’s ultimate creation is the blood of Jesus, God the Son. And Jesus paid it willingly. That is how much you are worth to God!
Be blessed even more!
Pastor Chris

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