Join Team Jesus!
J. Fields
Wow, the past few weeks have been active here at the church; we have been busy between
moving back into the sanctuary, moving up Sunday, baptisms, graduations, VBS, and child
dedication. While we have all been busy it’s been a good busy, we’ve been doing ministry.
Anytime you see people getting baptized, parents dedicating their children, or you see people at
the altar praying, you know that God is moving.
God is truly at work here at Central Christian Church, but we must ponder how we can stay on
the right track, especially when the world is going in a different direction. The thing I’m
comfortable with is that we have a great leadership team in place, between Pastor Chris and our
Elders, they have the best interests of CCC and most importantly Jesus Christ in mind. Aren’t
you glad that we worship at a church that is striving every day to become more spiritually
mature, a church that understands that the Word of God is active, alive, and still for today, and a
church that will not bow down to any man other than God Almighty, that’s our church!
My challenge for each of us is to stay rooted in the Bible, understanding that the Word never
changes and neither does God. If we will continue to stay faithful (and not sway in the way of
our world) He will continually bless and protect us. Every day pray for our nation, our leaders,
our community, our church, and one another, and speak the name of Jesus over every situation.
We live in a fallen and sinful world so unfortunately bad things at times do happen but don’t be
alarmed, God has you covered.
Church family, keep using your voice, keep standing for the truth, and in everything stay faithful
to the Lord. We aren’t done, God is on the move and I am so pumped that part of Him moving is
happening right here at CCC. I don’t know about you but I’m excited to see what God does
next. Central Christian Church is God’s church both now and forever, let’s stay united, let’s push
through and preserve, and let’s stand on the promises of God, if we stay obedient, He will in
return continue to move in our lives.
John 14:12 “Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do;
and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father.