It Is A Promise
Have you ever been in a dark room, stumbling around to find the light switch? It’s an uncomfortable feeling until the light goes on and then you can see clearly. In Psalm 18:28 David says, “my God turns my darkness into light.” Isn’t that an awesome promise? No matter what you may be going through and how much darkness pervades over your life, God can turn it into light. However, I have noticed that most promises come with a premise first. In other words, “if I do this, God will in turn do that.” In Joshua 1:8, we are told at the end of the scripture that we will be prosperous and successful. The premise found in the beginning of that verse, however, is for those people who study and meditate on God’s law so that they are able to do it.
Most people want the promise with out the premise. They want God to do His thing that they want, but then they want to do, not what God wants but their own thing. Psalm 18:23 declares, “I have…kept myself from sin”, and that the rewards have come from that kind of living. The premise of God being our shield (vs.30) is “for all who take refuge in him.” The promises of God are yes and amen for all who desire to know and do His Word. You see, you can’t have the promise without the premise, because it’s the foundation upon which the promise will come to pass.
Be blessed and be grateful,
Pastor Chris
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